
Holme Valley Primary school recognises its responsibilities for safeguarding, child protection and promoting the welfare of children. Our policies have been developed in accordance with the requirements identified in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022’. This includes guidance on all areas of child protection including radicalisation, recognising vulnerable children and medical issues.

Mrs Rachel Stephenson is the DSL at Holme Valley and she is responsible for ensuring that procedures are in place for safeguarding children. The deputy DSLs are Mrs Amanda Dakin and Mrs Anna Barrow.  All staff are regularly updated around safeguarding. The school has a comprehensive monitoring system to ensure that all safeguarding issues are recorded and followed up so that our children are all kept safe.

The school offers a variety of services to support families and can offer information on external services including:

  • Early Help assessment and support
  • Access to the School Nurse
  • Access to Children’s Centres
  • Mental health support for children
  • Access to behaviour support services
  • Drop-in groups to support vulnerable children

Families can access support at their local children’s centre by registering online via this link.  They offer a variety of support with all kinds of issues including support for behaviour, advice about finances and help with sleep issues.’

North Lincolnshire Council Children's Centres

This is the website for the local Children's Safeguarding Board (CMARS) where parents and carers can access a range of resources and support materials. 

Children's Multi-agency Resilience and Safeguarding Board 
