At Holme Valley Primary, we assess our pupils to keep track of what they have learnt and to measure the progress they are making.
In line with the new curriculum and raised expectations, which focuses very much upon ensuring that children acquire a deeper breadth and understanding of the skills, concepts and knowledge they learn, assessment takes place in stages to allow teachers to plan for strengths and weaknesses. Rather than ‘moving up’ through phases, the emphasis is on ‘mastering’ a phase, therefore enabling children to gain a better understanding.
Reporting to parents
Reporting to parents provides the opportunity for communication about their child’s achievements, abilities and future targets. The end of year reports will be written so that they have a positive effect on pupils’ attitudes, motivation and self-esteem. Reports will include information on pupil achievements, progress and attendance data. Reports for children in years two and six will also include the results of statutory tests.
As well as the end of year report, parents are invited to attend termly parents’ evenings and can speak to their child’s teacher on an informal basis when required.